Cult leaders

Cults by definition are masters of deception. Do not take what you see on the outside at face value. 

Ann Hamiltion Byrne, a yoga teacher, formed "The family" a new age group hiding 29 children in Australia feeding them LSD and beating them yet dodging law enforcement for over 20 years. Here is an interview with her.

Jim Jones orchestrated a mass murder of over 900 people in Jonestown, North Guyana, 1978. He was the leader of the People's Temple Cult originating from LA, California. It is the largest mass death in American history to date. There were only 33 survivors.

Ron Miscavige, the father of David Miscavige, who is the leader of the Scientology religion, speaks out for the first time. Ron was originally a Scientologist himself and now says he never met some of his great grandchildren. Ron shares that his son David was drawn to the religion at age 9.

Child abuse, incest, and sexual abuse are all seen in "The Family International" cult where David Berg was called Grandpa. He announced that female members should have sex with men in order to convert them. He named this practice flirty fishing. In his 1979 annual report, he writes that his flirty fishers loved over 25,000 souls and won about 19,000 to the lord. His promiscuous practice was eventually stopped due to age-related concerns. It was prostitution for a religious cause. 

Background of Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Mark Prophet told Elizabeth that she was his "Twin Flame" which is a new age version of a pickup line. 

Elizabeth Clare Prophet believes she is the messenger of god and prepares her members for nuclear war. 

Pol Pot, born Saloth Sar, slaughtered a quarter of his own citizens.

Elizabeth Clare Prophet believes she is the messenger of god and prepares her members for nuclear war.